Sunday’s ‘Time For Truth’ march, organised by Sinn Fein and their surrogates, has breached the law by a failure to properly notify the Parades Commission of an IRA band participating.
In their application the group clearly duplicitously stated that there would no zero bands taking part, and as such no determination was issued on this basis. A photograph obtained by Unionist Voice shows a band playing musical instruments as part of the parade.
The bandsmen were from the O’Neill and Asloop memorial Flute Band, a band dedicated to two members of the IRA’s youth wing, Jim O’Neill and Robert Asloop. This highlights the hypocrisy of the ‘march’- to have a band named after IRA terrorists leading a ‘victims’ parade.
Given Sinn Fein’s relentless targeting of unionist parades and their desire to run to the PSNI about every alleged ‘breach’ of a Parades Commission determination imaginable, it is only right and proper that unionism should hold Sunday’s republican march to the same standard.
The event, according to Sinn Fein MLA Mairtin O’Muillieor, was only open to what he described as “victims of state violence”.
The rally was fronted up by Sinn Fein MLA Emma Rogan, who recently attended the glorification of an IRA terrorist in South Down.
A number of prominent solicitors, who have dedicated themselves to using their role in the profession as merely a tool to advance republicanism’s political agenda, also took prominent roles. No where during the event or speeches did anyone call for the IRA to tell the ‘truth’, or for justice for victims of the IRA. Instead countless convicted IRA terrorists were welcomed with open arms at the event.
It is hoped that the PSNI will follow up these breaches of the law, and hold the organisers accountable. Those that signed the forms have clearly lied and mislead the Parades Commission, and as such the proper notification procedures have not been satisfied.