Action Against Drugs, a Provisional IRA cover group, are using weapons imported into Northern Ireland after the ceasefire by the IRA’s Northern commander, Sean ‘Spike’ Murray.
This image of balaclava clad gunmen, which it is believed was captured by a so called ‘victims campaigner’ who apparently just happened to be passing the scene and stopped for a snap, shows two terrorists holding up glock pistols.
The glock pistols had been brought into Northern Ireland from Florida as part of a sophisticated gunrunning operation, exposed in recent years by BBC Spotlight. Despite professing commitment to the so-called ‘peace process’ , the IRA were importing a large number of ‘clean’ glocks. These weapons were never decommissioned, and were instead held back by the Army Council leadership.
The weapons are now in the hands of AAD, which is headed up by Roy McCauley, the nephew of senior IRA commander, and current member of the Army Council, Bobby Storey. They operate with the approval of the IRA Army Council and as a favour recently targeted joy-riders who had driven into the home of Sean ‘Spike’ Murray’s daughter.
Those using the cover of AAD were also behind the attempted murder of Scott McHugh, and tellingly they waited until the polls had closed so as not to damage Sinn Fein’s electoral prospects.
It is time unionist politicians asked the PSNI for an assessment as to whether they believe AAD are in possession of weapons smuggled into Northern Ireland by the Provisional IRA. If the IRA are continuing to arm vigilante groups engaged in murder and regular shootings, then this raises very serious questions as to Sinn Fein’s fitness for government.
The fact that Bobby Storey’s nephew has been continually named in the press as a leader of this group, who are using IRA weapons, is enough to warrant serious questions being posed to the Sinn Fein leadership in relation to their covert links to these vigilante groups.