Unionist Voice Policy Studies is an independent grassroots think-tank addressing issues relevant to the Unionist and Loyalist community. The group has provided numerous written submissions and oral evidence to statutory bodies and Parliamentary Inquiries.
You can now download the Report on the NI Protocol- UVPS- Northern Ireland Protocol Report 7 June 2021
The newly released report on the NI Protocol calls for political and grassroots Unionism/Loyalism to work in tandem to create maximum political and societal instability via politically frustrating the continued operation of the institutions and engaging in a campaign of civil disobedience, especially throughout the upcoming marching season.
It supports the view that it is plainly necessary for the injustice of the Protocol to be resisted and a balance restored in order to protect peace in Northern Ireland.
Below are some extracts from the report, which alongside calling for a campaign of political and protest action, also explores in detail the unlawful nature of the Northern Ireland Protocol:
“ It is wholly illogical to expect Unionism to operate and progress within the confines of institutions which rest on the fundamental premise that Nationalism’s rights and protections must be treated as a holy writ, but those of Unionism can be dispensed with if they are an impediment to advancing Nationalism’s demands (such as the imposition of the Protocol). That is a wholly unworkable, unjust and morally repugnant system of Government.
“Alongside the shredding of the Belfast Agreement in a manner compliant with Nationalist political objectives, there is the fundamental imbalance between North-South relationships and East-West relationships. Whilst East-West is trashed, Unionists are expected to continue with North-South harmonisation. This is absurd and offensive. It is incumbent upon political Unionism to retaliate with political action and inflict upon North-South relationships the same damage as that which has been inflicted on East-West. “
“In a similar vein, grassroots Unionism and Loyalism in parallel to political instability created by political Unionism, can create maximum societal instability through a campaign of peaceful civil disobedience. Working in tandem, a powerful instability can be created which will bring home to the Government, the Irish Government, and the European Union that the Protocol is unsustainable.”