By Jamie Bryson
It should come as no shock to see Sinn Fein seeking to dictate who should be the next Chief Constable. Think of the insanity of it all, an elected representative from a foreign jurisdiction issuing orders on who the next Chief Constable should be. As if that is not perverse enough, standing beside her was Gerry Kelly, a man who bombed the Old Bailey and shot a prison officer in the head. Stop for a moment and actually consider the insanity of this, have we all lost our minds, swept up by the contrived ‘spirit’ of the ‘peace process’?
Could you imagine those that perpetrated or planned the 7/7 bombings or the Manchester Arena bombing sitting in judgement on who the next Police Chief should be in England? Yet here in Northern Ireland there is every chance Gerry Kelly will sit on the panel that will select the next PSNI Chief Constable. Honestly, can everyone please stop, take a deep breath and take a cold hard rationale look at this?
The PSNI and Government themselves, in their report into active paramilitary organisations, assert that the IRA exert control over Sinn Fein, and yet still we will have Sinn Fein representatives- who are controlled by an overarching terrorist organisation- selecting who should be in charge of policing. I say it again, stop and think about the madness that is engulfing us.
Preening on bomber Kelly’s shoulder was Niall Murphy, a Sinn Fein activist who also likes to call himself a ‘nationalist lawyer’ or a ‘civic nationalist’. Mr Murphy was of course the key driver behind many of malicious and contrived ‘collusion’ allegations, with Loughinisland being his pet project- at the urging of Sinn Fein- for the past number of years.
Last week’s series by Mark Rainey in the Newsletter played a key role in demolishing some of the most outlandish myths around Loughinisland and the unjustifiable killings carried out there in 1994. The allegations of ‘collusion’ (which is not even on the statute book as a criminal offence) were systemically taken apart by a tour-de-force of proper investigative journalism and factual accounts by former RUC officers involved with the investigation.
The kind of critical analysis carried out by Mark Rainey stands in stark contrast to the false and wild allegations promoted by the ‘No Stone Unturned’ documentary which shredded all journalistic standards in favour of outright nationalist activism.
The revelations within the Newsletter paints a disturbing picture of links between the Ombudsman’s office, activist ‘journalists’ and SF controlled nationalist solicitors. There is a very real concern that information is being systematically leaked from the Ombudsman’s office to nationalist activists, perhaps via the press office who- judging by last week’s uniquely time announcement in relation to missing files- are clearly operating to a pre-determined political agenda. All of the aforementioned collusion constitutes a real and ongoing conspiracy.
Unionist Voice previously published the timeline of the Ombudsman’s engagement with the ‘No Stone Unturned’ film makers. It makes for astonishing reading. The Police Ombudsman’s office even met to discuss “editorial decisions”. You can see it for yourself here. This document was obtained by Unionist Voice after a complaint was made to the Department of Justice in relation to the Ombudsman’s involvement with the objective being to flush out all relevant disclosure. Nationalist activists then sought to contrive another lie after the arrest of nationalist activists Barry McCaffrey and Trevor Birney, claiming the Police Ombudsman- with whom they work had in glove- had not reported the stolen documents relating to Loughinisland to the PSNI. They didn’t release Unionist Voice already this disclosure which outlined very clearly that the Ombudsman did report matters to the PSNI, and thus another malicious story perpetrated by nationalist activists fell apart.
In recent months we also had the same nationalist cabal again targeting Mr Justice McCloskey trying to force him to recuse himself yet again. This was another example of the audacity of nationalist legacy activists who believe they have the right to pick and choose what judges hear their cases. It appears often that the plan is to manipulate the system until they find themselves before Mr Justice Treacy or the up and coming Ms Justice Keegan. Both are seen as a “favourable draw” by nationalist legacy activists.
Unionist Voice relentlessly challenged the targeting of Mr Justice McCloskey last year after John Ware (who had contributed to the discredited ‘No Stone Unturned’ documentary) alleged in the Irish Times he had represented former ACC Raymond White in a case against the Police Ombudsman in 2002. The Irish Times stated, in reference to the 2002 litigation; “then, as now, White (and Flanagan) tried to quash O’Loan’s report, represented by QC, Bernard McCloskey, before he became a Judge”. We were the only outlet to repeatedly highlight that this was a maliciously contrived lie whipped up by a conspiracy between nationalist activists.
Mr Justice McCloskey himself addressed his allegation in his judgement relating to the recusal application (brought by none-other than republican solicitor of choice and former DPP Barra McGrory). He said “Mr White was not a party to the 2002 litigation and, therefore, was not represented by any legal practitioner, solicitor or counsel.”
It really could not be clearer. The application was actually filed by the Police Association which comprised the Federation, Superintendents Association and Chief Officers association. Raymond White’s only involvement was to file and affidavit in the case, yet this was twisted, turned and totally misrepresented by nationalist legacy activists.
To highlight the ridiculousness of the allegation, Bernard McCloskey QC previously represented the Parades Commission. Does this mean that he must now recuse himself if any application were to be brought against the Parades Commission?
To take the hypocrisy to a whole new level, the recusal issue was argued by Barra McGrory QC- a man who had acted corporately on behalf of the IRA as an organisation when they were seeking OTR letters on behalf of terrorists who had fled the jurisdiction. Did McGrory recuse himself from all prosecutorial decisions involving any Sinn Fein or IRA members whilst DPP? Of course he didn’t, far from it. He acted as a guardian angel of the Adams and McGuinness wing of the republican movement, shielding them and IRA men supportive of them from any prosecutions.
The arrogance and supremacism is oozing from nationalism’s every pore, if anyone seriously thinks unionism should compromise with- or should have ever compromised with- these people then they need to take a long hard look at the trajectory of all of this. Enough is quite enough. It may unpopular to challenge the prevailing narrative but it is time unionism rebalanced not only the legacy debate, but indeed the entire parameters of a political system. That starts by tearing up the Belfast Agreement and Brexit provides us with a once in a lifetime opportunity to do so. Let us grasp it with hands.