Sinn Fein Councillor Deirdre Hargey has taken to twitter to criticise Unionist Voice and accuse our site- which has attracted over 30,000 visitors in the past week- of publicising “untruths”.
Her comments came in the wake of a number of angry responses from republicans, and their allies in the Alliance party, in relation to a story published today exposing their sinister agenda to force Nationalist demographic supremacy on the Unionist community in North Belfast. You can read the story HERE
Councillor Hargey is picture below with IRA Army Council member Bobby Storey who was a close friend of the IRA Belfast commander that ordered the murder of Robert McCartney, Gerard “Jock” Davison.
Davison was himself murdered in 2015 and the IRA with the knowledge of Bobby Storey carried out a revenge murder of Kevin McGuigan in the Short Strand area.
Unionist Voice has shone a spotlight on the hypocritical nature of Sinn Fein, and their continuing terrorist links, since our site opened last week. We make no apologies for this or for reporting news relevant to the Unionist community.
Councillor Hargey was unable to be specific about what “untruths” she was alleging, despite this we have offered Councillor Hargey the opportunity to challenge any information she feels is incorrect and specifically offered her a platform to explain what she knows about the gruesome IRA murder of Belfast man Robert McCartney in 2005.