This morning the story of the ghoulish terror video of children being indoctrinated with profanity-laden IRA songs was covered by the mainstream media in the form of U105. This is a positive example of how Unionist Voice and grassroots activism can highlight relevant issues.
For quite some time loyalism has been an easy target for mainstream media and republican politicians and commentators. Due to a lack of effective engagement, loyalism was easy to demonise. This all changed in July 2017.
In East Belfast, after the heinous targeting of Unionist cultural expression zones, loyalists in the area took a different approach. Rather than fall into the carefully laid trap designed to bait loyalism into a violent reaction, activists in the area instead began to positively engage with the media in order to articulate loyalism’s case and alongside this took a strategic and peaceful approach to forensically dismantling the injunctions and exposing the numerous flaws within the council’s procedures.
This change may have went unnoticed. But it was seismic. There is a new realisation that there is a cultural war, and for too long it has been all one-sided. It is time to agitate back.
To use a rather apt metaphor- it is time to terrorise the terrorists. If the nationalist community want to target every aspect of Unionist culture, then Unionism will be equally forensic.
There will be no cultural supremacy for the nationalist community. Unionism will not be an underclass with our culture demonised whilst nationalism, via linguistic warfare strategies, swan the stage as peacemakers and progressives. No longer will Unionism bunker in, defending ourselves from relentless cultural attacks. There will be a new offensive to highlight the hypocrisy of Sinn Fein and their allies.
The appalling Damien Quinn video, exclusively exposed by this site on Saturday morning, highlights the sheer hypocrisy of Sinn Fein. In November 2016 comedian and Sinn Fein representative Barry McElduff was outraged that the RAF Army Cadets had been mentioned in a school in Omagh. Yet Sinn Fein have remained silent on a video of young children singing profanity-laden IRA songs mocking the murder of 18 British soldiers.
The focus must stay firmly on this video, on this issue. Attempts to widen the discussion into a debate about loyalist and republican songs per se is a red herring. Nothing more than an attempt to spread the blame and make it a more general discussion. This tactic is straight from a spin-doctor’s handbook.
Instead let us keep the focus where it belongs; on the indoctrination of young children with pro-IRA propaganda in the form of vile profanity-laden lyrics. Do not be diverted into looking at ‘wider issues’, this is about a specific issue.
After succeeding in exposing the planned terrorfest under the guise of a Celtic ‘fanzone’ in July and highlighting the pro-IRA chanting at the West Belfast festival, Unionism is now shining a light on the pro terror indoctrination of young people.
We are returning the serve, and they do not like it one bit.
Read more about the republican linguistic warfare strategy HERE