The Report entitled ‘Loyalism and the Media’ explores how the loyalist community has been mistreated by sections of the media, and how this has contributed to disengagement and isolation in the media sphere generally.
Published by JWB Consultancy, the report is narrowly focused on specific issues arising from the representation of loyalists in bringing press complaints in the period of 2018-2020. It is clear that it does not purport to be reflective of all of loyalism, or even any specific part of it, rather it is based solely on first hand experiences from representing a number of individuals from a broad spectrum of the loyalist community, including some who are as a matter of public record ex-prisoners/combatants.
Crucially the report seeks to emphasise the importance of a free press, and encourages loyalism not only to avail of the accountability mechanisms through the legal and regulatory process to challenge the media, but to actively seek to engage with the press and develop a more positive media message.
The report can be downloaded HERE Loyalism and the Media Report [2020]