Law News NEW: Protocol briefing note Unionist Voice May 20, 2022 1 min read Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window) Unionist Voice Policy Studies has published a detailed briefing paper on ongoing Protocol developments. You can now download the document or read below: JOIN OUR NEWSLETTER Thank you for subscribing. Something went wrong. Join over thousands of readers who are receiving our newsletter and being kept up to date with the latest news from the community We hate spam. Your email address will not be sold or shared with anyone else. Briefing-Note-NI-Protocol-May-22 Briefing-Note-NI-Protocol-May-22Download Like this:Like Loading... Continue Reading Previous: Unionism must embrace Government’s monumental policy shift as a staging post- but now we need decisive actionNext: The establishment dehumanisation of unionism/loyalism