By Jamie Bryson
The pro-EU political establishment are launching an insurgency against the democratic will of the British people.
Every new desperate proposal on how to stop Brexit, couched to create the illusion that it is about handing power to the people, is in fact designed to do quite the opposite. The arch Europhiles see themselves as the political and intellectual elite, and they are unable to fathom how almost 17.5 million ‘plebs’ voted against the instructions of the entire political establishment, big business and the majority of mainstream media outlets. That the British people would dare defy the self-appointed intellectual guardians of our destiny leaves the political elite absolutely furious- this isn’t what democracy is supposed to be all about; the stupid plebs are meant to follow orders- democracy has been hacked they say; yes, it has, by the people.
The self-appointed internationalist intellectual elite have thus contrived a clever trick, which they think will work because- in their minds anyway- they are so smart, and those that voted for Brexit are so stupid. So some political strategist came up with the idea of pretending that the pro-EU elite want to make this all about giving power to the people, and so we got the ‘People’s Vote’ campaign.
It was hoped that the plebs wouldn’t catch on, they would simply see the clever messaging of a ‘People’s Vote’ and think that somehow it does what it says on the tin and thus is all about giving the people a vote. Well, it is- but not in the way the scheming Europhiles would have you believe. It is about giving people a vote until they vote the way the increasingly desperate Remain lobby want them to vote. It is like a teacher sending a pupil’s homework back for them to try again.
With the clock running down, the ‘People’s Vote’ idea is losing momentum (pardon the pun), so in steps Keir Starmer to contrive another angle to try and stop Brexit. The Labour Brexit spokesman is an accomplished constitutional lawyer and he will be well aware that only statute can override statute; therefore in order to stop the clock on Brexit, legislation would have to be laid before Parliament to override the current default legal position, namely that we leave on the 29 March 2019- deal or no deal.
Of course only a Minister of the Crown could lay such binding legislation before Parliament and save for a military takeover of the House of Commons- which isn’t too far-fetched with Bercow in the chair- , the only way to become a Minister of the Crown is to form a Government committed to overturning the democratic will of the people on Brexit.
They need to form a Government willing to override the will of little people that dared defy the European Union, who defied the internationalist progressives and defied Project Fear and give two fingers to the entire weight of the political establishment. That defiance was wholly unacceptable to those whose self-loathing for their own country means that they believe we must always be part of something which they see as greater than ourselves; we must always surrender to what they see as a greater power. We must somehow be ashamed of our great proud nation and instead dilute it and replace the union flag with the flag of the European Union.
It is the same kind of people who were slithering around urging Winston Churchill to submit to Hitler, to commit the United Kingdom to slavery and servitude.
Their desperation becomes more evident by the day. We will have no food, we will have no medicine, our economy will collapse- conjure up pretty much every scare story you could imagine, and the anti-democracy Europhiles have tried it.
The British people that voted to leave the European Union are presented by the pro-EU elitists as racists, bigots and stupid people swept up in a grand right wing conspiracy. People like Owen Jones- a whiney far left fanatic- spent years calling ordinary decent people racists because they had well founded concerns about immigration and the effect on the social cohesion of communities, on jobs, on health care and on their children’s school places. Dare to speak out and ordinary British people were demonised as being part of the ‘far right’ or worse still, had fanatics like Jones screaming ‘Nazi’ at them in the street.
All of this is interesting, because it highlights the hypocrisy of the pro-EU leftists. As Andrew Neil pointed out to Owen Jones on BBC This Week last night, why when the far right behave appallingly is it thuggery, yet when the far left do it, it is activism?
In this week’s Irish News Allison Morris wrote that Brexit is giving wind to the far right; yet nowhere in the article is any reference made to the actions of the far left or the pro-EU lunatics standing outside Parliament draped in EU flags screaming ‘bollocks to Brexit’ like banshees; instead the implied assertion is that Brexit is the work of a far right conspiracy. Despite the disclaimer within the body of the article, which says (referreing of course only to pro Brexit protestors) ‘not everyone standing outside Westminister is reflective of those that voted leave’, the unspoken message is clear; some genuine people got swept up by racists and voted for Brexit.
This illuminates what the pro-EU elites actually believe; that voting to take back control of your own country is racist or immoral. It is a cleverly disguised smear on almost 17.5 million decent people.
Last night nationalist and arch Remainer Claire Hanna of the SDLP took to twitter in a furious rant against Ian Paisley Jnr MP calling him a “gobshite”. If Mr Paisley had directed such comments towards Ms Hanna it would have been misogyny, it would have been vile abuse and no doubt it would also have been part of the far right conspiracy.
When you seen arch Europhiles literally losing their minds with increasingly frantic temper tantrums because they can’t have their own way; smile and remember that every single person that bravely voted to take back control shares responsibility for such meltdowns.