Unionist Voice has obtained a full copy of the unedited interview with the BBC. The BBC argue that their tax-payer funded ‘investigation’, which included going to London to enlist a dubious ‘expert’ who on her own website boasts of tailoring her service to the “specific needs of those who come to her”. The ‘expert’ is also not listed in the official list of UK expert witnesses and incredibly has claimed to be absolutely certain, a conclusion that has raised eyebrows amongst legal professionals who have remarked that it is almost unheard of for a conclusive handwriting test, rather bona-fide reports are scored on a scale of probability.
The BBC have steadfastly refused to publish the full context of the interview, and furthermore sought to avoid having to go to Pastor Mark Gordon, the one person who had the ability to either validate the BBC allegations or undermine them.
Pastor Gordon has issued a public statement asking why the BBC refused to contact him and furthermore stated that “Jamie Bryson I believe has not done anything wrong” and completely demolished the BBC’s allegation of ‘forgery’. The BBC ignored Pastor Gordon’s statement for the most part, instead continuing to regurgitate their smear story.
The BBC story was the top news story on BBC Good Morning Ulster, in which the program claimed the New Lodge bonfire (in which there were multiple stabbings, rioting and violence against police) “passed off without incident”. The BBC have not made clear that there is absolutely no allegation whatsoever of any financial impropriety at all, instead deliberately inviting this false and malicious inference to be drawn from their smear story.
This unedited interview exposes the BBC agenda- which includes a last minute bombshell question around the UVF- and therefore it is no surprise it was selectively edited in order to aide the BBC smear campaign contrived during a BBC meeting where reporters were instructed to ‘get Jamie Bryson’.
Publication of the full unedited on-the-record interview is overwhelmingly in the public interest given it goes to the heart of the integrity of a public service broadcaster and serious malicious allegations being made by a section of BBC Northern Ireland.
You can listen to the full interview here